Coming Out Crooked

I promised myself that one day I would sit down and revisit this blog and piece together the shattered remains of my coming-out story. This space has been witness to my survival of that journey. It has seen me spiral, drown, rise and love in the moments of my life like no other. And man oh man. What a ride it’s been.

It’s been a while and to be honest, I wasn’t sure if I would ever write here again. But I’ve missed the freedom of writing for my soul and growing in the spaces between my fingers and the keys. I’ve missed the illumination from honest reflection and expression of the tides of emotions that flow through me. I am a ravenous creature who feeds on the highs, the lows, and all the in-betweens of love and life. Sort of lol.

I am in a strange place these days. Not happy. Or unhappy. Existing in a vacuum as a coiled, anxious being. Like so many others. Not quite where I thought I would be today, and life isn’t exactly what I had envisioned when I came out. But I do believe that as long as you draw breath there is still time to change whatever you feel needs changing to have the life you desire. I didn’t always know what I wanted, but now, most days I do. And so I begin with this one small step. To write again. Here. In my very own little sanctuary.

I’m a Writer, dag nabbit! And I should be writing.

Dear Universe, I’ve got a story to tell.

( It’s all about intention and affirmation. 😉 )

Hello again, Crooked.

I’m back.

With so much love and the best of intentions,

( Just like the memoir, this entire website is a work in progress, so you’ll have to come back…again and again and again. ; )

More stuff. Cuz I got sides 😉
